I want it, I have it- the ABC of manifestation

Ever listened to Ariana Grande's 7 rings ("I want it, I got it"), successful or just like magic ("I just wanna have a good day/  Think it in my head/ Then it happens how it should")? This girl is singing about manifestation. It is well known that many stars and celebrities believe in the law of attraction (no wonder why they got to the point where they are now). So if it worked for them, why wouldn't it work for you as well? 

Manifestation was completely life-changing for me. I have been practicing it for five years & it works like magic; therefore I'm constantly trying to get my friends into it. If you ask me, manifestation is a core key to becoming successful, self-confident & fulfilled. That's why I am here to share my not-so-little "secret" with you. I promise that if you try it & truly believe in its powerful force, you will be amazed.

What it is, is basically a belief in the driving power of words & thoughts. If you genuinely trust the universe that something you desire will happen, it will. Don't dream. Treat your dreams as goals, as obvious & certain goods coming towards you. Remember that what you give is what you receive. The energy you send to the universe is the energy the universe sends back to you. Surround yourself with light, positivity, happiness & health. Feel only good emotions, have only positive thoughts.  Push away anything negative, move away from what makes you feel stressed, sad, or demotivated. 

There are many names of this concept; some people call it visualization, some law of attraction, ad some - like I do- manifestation. It doesn't actually matter because it is based on the same thing- achieving anything you desire just by believing in it. How to do it? There are several techniques you can follow.

1. Writing

Write something down (a phrase or several sentences) multiple times or every day. eel the power of the words as you are writing them on a piece of paper.

2. Visualizing

It's as easy as it sounds, you only need to use your imagination. See yourself in a certain situation/position you want to be. See the things you want to have just as if you owned them.

3. Meditating

It combines various methods including visualization, breathing techniques & relaxation. To learn more about meditation, you can read my post about it!

4. Singing

Listening to songs that make you feel in a way to want, or singing about something you desire makes you feel confident, happy, active & ready to achieve your goals.

5. Talking/Repeating

Read the affirmations you previously wrote. Read them out loud several times. Believe in them.
Feel like you already are the person you want to become. Feel as if everything you desire already happened or is happening now, Believe that it's possible for you to achieve anything you dream of. Be that person you want to be.

I truly hope my post inspired you to take your life into your hands and start controlling the paths you are taking. 

If you have any other methods to manifest, feel welcome to share them in the comments!

Sending love & light,



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