Keep it FIT!

 Hello everyone! We're half-way through spring, which means that SUMMER is coming very soon. For most people it also means a start of working on their "summer body". There is absolutely nothing more wrong than that. During winter, people usually put on some more pounds and then when warm days come, they want to lose weight rapidly to look good in their swimsuits. Loosing weight in such a short amount of time, going on a strict diet to achieve that, has a bad impact on your health & body.

 First of all, you should feel good in your skin & should NOT feel the need to change just to fit in & comply the standards of an "attractive body". But if you feel like getting in shape would be healthy and good for you, then go ahead! Remember that the best way to keep fit shouldn't limit to an extreme diet & working out only in the spring/summer time, it's a style of life which you should gradually take up.

 I'm here to help you out with 5 tips that me, myself have been using for two years now. I can guarantee that they really work because I've never felt more healthier & fit in my whole life. Even though gainging weight was a little bit hard for me, due to my eating disorder couple years ago, I managed to stay strong & finally start being healthy. 

I. Move/ word up!

  No matter how you do it, but an hour a day of an extra movement will do the trick if you want to build up some muscles. You don't have to go to the gym, just work out at home {exercise/ fitness CDs, TV programmes or YouTube might help}, ride a bike, swim in the sea or lake if you live in a warm climate, attend at a local swimming pool, rollerskate {yes, rollerskating parties/ discos also count}! What do I do? I simply work out at home on my yoga mat, swim an hour a week in the pool, PLUS I choose walking on foot or riding a bike rather than going by car/ bus.

II. LIMIT sugar, sweets!

  Your worst enemy when it comes to keeping fit & healthy is sugar! But you don't need to completely cut it off, just limit the amout of it. First of all, sweet snacks- just don't, because most often they are out of your daily calorie intake and they just add unnecessary calories to burn.
 Secondly,  quit eating a lot of sweet meals, like cereal, toasts with jam or nutella, pancakes, waffles, even if they are one of your basic meals. It's okay from time to time OF COURSE, but remember  taht they won't keep you full as long as a normal, savoury, full- nutritioned meal because glucose digests very fast and makes you feel tired & hungry real quick!
 And lasly, sugar is just not good for you. I'm not saying that you should immediately vut it off and become obsessed with the whole no-sugar diet/ sweeteners phenomen but let's just reduce the amount of sugar we eat. The WHO reccomends to eat  from 5 to 10% of our daily calorie intake. so for a person who eats 2000 kcal a day, it should  amount to 50 grams in maximum {which is still a lot}.

III. Say hi to natural vitamins

 A calorie deficit is important when you want to lose weight. But more important is to provide your body all the things it needs to function properly. Besides full-nutritioned  foods like seeds, oils, fats, bread, protein {yogurt, eggs & milk- NOT POWDER}, you also need some fruit & veggies! Have at least 5 portions of vegetables {including 2 portions of fruit}. A portion equals !100 grams. It's not that hard, at first you can smuggle  them into your meals cooked or grilled but high temperature makes them lose their nutritionvalues. With time, you'll start to love them & eat them raw with pleasure!

IV.  Drink it up

 Water is the key! Start the day with a glass of water with lemon- it'll wake up your metabolism. Drinking at least 2 litres of water a day helps your digestion system to work better.

 More tips:

- don't over-eat, it will strech out your stomach and later you'll need more foof to feel full
- try to avoid ordering from fast foods or eating often in restaurants &  bars
- don't eat too much at night time, just eat enough to fall  asleep
- don't skip meals if you feel guilty for eating too much the previous day. You'll feel hungry and later eat more than you should. 

 Okay so that's it I have for you guys today! I hope I helped you a little bit! Stay awesome, have a good day & good luck if you decided to start living healthy,

xx Marta


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