A perfect fall day!

Hello everyone! Are you enjoying fall so far? Well I am because it's my second favorite time of the year (Christmas is the first one, duh). For some of you, october may be just a regular month because not everybody celebrates Halloween and that's why i'm here today- I want to make ou fall in love with fall! Yeah.. you can my lame jokes:)
I love everything about this month: orange leaves, hot drinks, pumpkins, spooky movies and cinnamon and all of these things are going to be mentioned in this week's post- A perfect fall day! aka how I would like my day to look like right now.
Oh and by the way, sice I looove fall so much I made a tag called Fall obviously, so you can check out all of my post related to this season!
The first thing I would really like to do is to bake something! I'm the best at cupcakes so that's propably what I'd do. I usually choose seasonal ingredients like apples, pumpkins, toffi and cinnamon. Last year I made banoffi cupcakes, they turned out incredibly delicious! Check out the recipe, it's on my blog! Give me a comment if you'd like to see a new fall recipe this year too!
The next activity that I love during autumn is going to the park, to pick up leaves, pine cones and take photos! Me and my best friend do this every year and it's always a lot of fun, we have many good memories from our walks.

When I at home, I like to feel cosy. Fuzzy socks, hot drinks and candles are my thing. Also my surrounding is very important, so I always decorate my room in a fall theme! I put out pumpkins and leaves everywhere, hang fairy lights and garlandson my walls to feel this season even inside.

When I'm done decorating my house, it's time to relax. Make hot chocolate or your favorite tea, light up candles, play acoustic or chill music and read a good book! If you don't like reading, you can pick a halloween movie to watch!
I've made a list of the best films to watch during this time of the year- check it out!

So now, go ahead and have some cosy time!
xx Marta
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